About Our Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us! To better protect your privacy, we provide this policy that explains our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. You can find this policy from any page of our website by clicking “Privacy Policy” in the footer.

Who we are

ChiroThinTracker.com is a joint effort between Gardner InfoTech Managed Services, LLC, One Light Consulting, LTD, and ChiroNutraceuticals.

Gardner InfoTech Managed Services, LLC

401 6th Ave SW
Surrey, ND 58785
(701) 712-8400

Brilliant Software Inc.

1650 45th St. Ste 204

Fargo, ND 58104
(701) 866-8256


17824 Edison Ave
Chesterfield, MO 63005
(877) 377-7636

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

ChiroThinTracker.com collects a variety of personal information from doctors and patients for the purposes of providing care under the ChiroThin® wellness programs.

Required personal information collected includes, but is not limited to, name, e-mail address, and personal account information. As a patient in the ChiroThin® wellness programs, we may request additional personal health information, such as weight, body measurements, and diet and food intake information. Submission of personal health information is optional but greatly impacts the effectiveness of the program.

Other technical information may be collected, including cookie information, public IP address, and site usage data. This information may be used for internal market research, system security and monitoring, and analytics for program improvement efforts.

Embedded content from other websites

Some content on this site may include embedded content, such as images, videos, and downloadable files. Accessing, viewing, or downloading embedded content from other websites is the equivalent of visiting the other websites. Embedded content may collect data about you, use cookies, implement additional third-party tracking. This privacy policy does not extend to content hosted by other websites.

Who we share your data with

When making online purchases, we may share payment information with our payment processors and merchant service providers. To find out which providers we use, please contact us at support@chirothintracker.com. Payment information includes name, mailing address, shipping address, and credit card information.

Personal health information and personal account information is shared with your doctor for the purposes of participation in the ChiroThin® wellness programs.

Aggregated and de-identified health data may be provided to ChiroThin® program managers for the purposes of monitoring, analyzing, and improving the effectiveness of the program.

How long we retain your data

Personal account information, patient messaging, and personal health information is kept available to your doctor for up to six years or until a purge request has been made.

What rights you have over your data

If you have registered for the site and provided personal information, you may request copies of the information at any time. Requests can be made in person with your doctor, by e-mail at support@chirothintracker.com, by a ticket request at https://support.chirothintracker.com, or by postal mail using the addresses listed above. You may also request that your information be purged from the site at any time. While the data may be removed from the site, your doctor may retain personal information as a part of your health record. In addition, any data that we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes will not be removed.

How we protect your data

All data, including personal information and health information is encrypted in transit using the latest TLS (transport layer security) capabilities. All data is encrypted, replicated and archived in geographically separate data centers to help protect against loss or criminal activity. Every effort is made to allow only you and your doctor to access your patient information.

If you believe that your information has been compromised in any way, please contact us immediately at support@chirothintracker.com or using the contact information above.